I really much hate it when I’m in a hurry, but need to post an update. “Creative writing” is something that should never be done under pressure.
I can’t understand how some writers manage to stay concentrated, while being on a tight schedule from their publishers. Hope I’ll never have to learn this on my own skin. Today I will show you something I should have posted long time ago.
Abaroth created these 3d models of impossible structures and explained them like this: “Hi Vurdlak, It’s been a while since I sent Ascending & Descending and the other 2 illusions to you.
Here’s the model page from my website – there’s a model of Escher’s Belvedere, and a couple of other new ones, an impossible arch, and a Necker cube.
Feel free to use anything you feel is appropriate. All the best. Dave Barlow aka. Abaroth.

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