Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fantastic And Comfortable Chairs

Chair is most important thing in modern human life. The chair is of extreme antiquity and simplicity, although for many centuries and indeed for thousands of years it was an article of state and dignity rather than an article of ordinary use. It was not, in fact, until the 16th century that it became common anywhere. The chest, the bench and the stool were until then the ordinary seats of everyday life, and the number of chairs which have survived from an earlier date is exceedingly limited “The chair”  is still extensively used as the emblem of authority in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom and Canada, and in many other settings. Committees, boards of directors, and academic departments all have a chairman. Well, enough with the history lesson, it’s time to see 20 really creative and modern chair designs that will make you feel bad about your own chair.
Fantastic Chairs Designs (9)

Fantastic Chairs Designs (12)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (10)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (16)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (11)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (13)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (15)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (1)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (3)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (2)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (4)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (5)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (6)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (7)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (8)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (14)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (17)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (18)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (19)
Fantastic Chairs Designs (20)


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