Do you remember The Adams Family? I know I do, and most of all I remember their creepy house with all this Gothic and Victorian styling. Steve Bard also known as “Weird Steve” actually lives in a house decorated this way. That is completely insane, but he likes it.

His whole house is decorated in a Adams family style. He has skulls, skeletons, creepy sculptures and mounted animals. On top of it all he has set up a Minotaur Garden in his backyard, a Toaster Museum with 150 antique toasters and a Funky Future Room in a style of “The Jetsons” and “Barbarella”, and also a Minotaur Garden set up in his back yard.

His creepy collection contains the smallest mummy ever, two-headed animals, wreaths of human hair and Siamese twin calves, can you believe that? Weird Steve has not opened his house for public attraction, he likes to keep his weirdness for himself. If you’d like to see more creepy locations you should take a look at this island of dolls in Mexico.

Via OddityCentral.
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