This beautifully created piece of art is the “Termite Pavilion”, located in London. It is the first scan of termite mounds, only that this one is in a much bigger size, so people can go inside and take a look. It is inspired by a mound found in Namibia on a festival that honors all insects, that is named Pestival. Termites are a group of insects that looks a lot like ants. They eat dead plant material in form of wood, soil and animal dung.

They can cause serious damages to crops and buildings, but they also play an important role in ecology because they recycle the dead plant material. They live in groups and the amount can be up to several millions. The Termite Pavilion gives visitors the opportunity to feel like a termite, and to understand their way of living. It is created by TERMES, a group of international experts, and Dr Rupert Soar. Something similar to termites is ants, and this is amazing paintings made out of 200,000 ants.

Via Kuriositas.
termite infestation cases have dramatically increased. Damages and repairs brought about by these little “white ants” could reach billions of dollars each year.
termite los angeles
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