The Float at Marina Bay’, is an architectural treat to the eyes. It is the only stadium in the world that literally floats. At 120 meters long and 83 meters wide, this floating stage is the largest in the world. Located on the Marina Reservoir in Marine bay, this massive stage has the capacity of seating 9000 people. The total weight capacity of it is 1,070 tones.

The stadium can hold 30,000 people in its seating area. Built within a short span of 13 months, in April 2007,
this Stadium has attracted tourists from far and near, who come to marvel at this exquisite architectural delight.

It is a pleasure to behold the beautiful scenic appeal of the surroundings. One can see the city skylight, boats, ships and the daily hub of the busy city. This stadium is well equipped with lightings for night time sport as well. Giant viewing screens provide close ups and scores of the games.

However being an outdoor stage the weather might play an important role in determining events and games. Suspension cords hold the structure together and bright colors are used throughout. This stadium is a vision accomplished that never ceases to delight the beholder by blending perfectly the scenic natural surroundings of this beautiful land with the concrete city. For sure every game played and every trophy won here would be more than just memorable.
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