70 kilometers from Rome you can find this old monster garden. They are located in a part of a woodland near the valley where the famous Orsini family castle. Pier Francesco Orsini built this garden, and his wanted it to be different and non-religious. And you can say that they are unique, but still a bit creepy. Taking a walk through the garden today is far from boring, because you never know what kind of monster monument will wait around the corner.

Orsini created the garden after his wife died, he needed something to put his mind to, and architect Pirro Lugorio helped him a lot with his work. The monuments have no connection with each other; it seems like they are just randomly placed around the garden with no specific plan whatsoever. A part of the sculptures are Pegasus, Poseidon and Proteus, and there are specially one monument that is really powerful: the one of the elephant crushing a Roman soldier. Another different and weird garden is the Dwarf Garden in Salzburg.

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