These amazingly beautiful water wheels are several centuries old. The name is Norias of Hama, and it is from Arabic which explains why they are located in Syria. They have been used to bring water into aqueducts that take the water further to all the fields.

Back in the days there were 30 of these wheels, now there are just 17 left, and they are of course no longer in use. The wheels are pretty huge; they can come up to 20 meters in diameter, which would be about 70 ft. It grabs a lot of water and brings it to the top where a channel is taking it further to wherever it is supposed to go. So it was simply a lot of math involved when they built the wheels, because it was very important that the water was shared to all of the citizens.

The largest of the wheels is the al-Mohamadiyya that had the job to give the mosque enough water. Today they all look like they’re part of a fairytale, but in a powerful way.

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